Debugging containerd

Sam Lockart
Zendesk Engineering
6 min readJun 8, 2022


containerd is the container runtime interface (CRI) that (will soon) power Zendesk.

A new container runtime means new debugging techniques are required.

Many of the techniques described here were learnt from necessity while debugging an issue we observed in our staging environment while soaking containerd 1.6.2.

The containerd stack comprises of a few different binaries that all perform a certain set of tasks.

To properly debug containerd, we need to know how to inspect each component.

The delve debugger is very useful, but to debug any of the containerd stack you must compile the binary with debug symbols. This can be time consuming and if the issue is transient, you won’t have time.

A very basic overview of the stack we’ll be debugging

When a pod is to be created for example, the kubelet talks to containerd using the CRI interface. Containerd will then fork/exec a containerd-shim instance which in turns invokes the runc binary. It is up to runc to create, run, delete and clean up the container.

1. Kubelet

$ journalctl -xe --unit kubelet # view logs for kubelet
$ systemctl status kubelet # view the status of the service from systemd's perspective
$ kubectl get pods -o wide | grep $NODENAME

Debugging containerd from the point of the kubelet is quite simple. Namely we want to check the kubelet logs to see if there are any glaring issues.

Note that issues from lower in the stack (e.g. runc) will hopefully bubble up to the kubelet logs. If a container cannot be created due to an issue with runc, the kubelet will probably complain about deadlines being missed for pod creation.

Confirm that kubelet is configured to actually use containerd. The flags — container-runtime=remote and --container-runtime-endpoint=unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock need to be set.

2. Containerd

$ systemctl status containerd
$ journalctl -xe --unit containerd
$ containerd config dump # see the output of the final main config with imported in subconfig files
$ diff -y <(containerd config default) <(containerd config dump)
$ crictl
$ systemd-cgls # view the cgroups under `containerd.service`
$ dpkg -L # list everything installed by containerd package (note that we manually overwrite some of these files)

First thing to check, similar to kubelet, are the service status and the logs.

Going further in, we can look at the config file which containerd is using, and can even compare it with the default config. If anything catches your eye, whether it be a log line or some unexpected configuration, take a look through the issues.

The crictl tool is very useful as it lets you interact with the container runtime in the same way kubelet does. See

crictl uses the CRI to interface with containerd and can be used without any Kubernetes components
$ crictl pods # list pods - compare with kubectl get pods
$ crictl inspectp # inspect a pod (different from crictl inspect)
$ crictl info # view CRI runtime info
$ crictl stats # does everything look normal?
$ crictl --debug stopp # [sic] stop a pod and print debug logs (useful if a pod is stuck terminating)

Enabling debug on containerd is as simple as editing the containerd config to enable the socket.

The config for containerd is generally found at /etc/containerd/config.toml

This allows you to do things like dump all the goroutines that containerd has started, get traces etc.

3. containerd-shim

$ ps aux --forest | less # scroll down to a containerd-shim-runc-v2 process and take a look
# for pid in $(pgrep containerd-shim-runc-v2); do kill -USR1 $pid; done # dump every shim processes goroutine to the containerd journal
$ journalctl -xe --unit containerd | grep shim > somefile # run after dumping goroutines to save the output
# strace -p $CONTAINERD_PID # trace syscalls, normally it will be sleeping though

The debugging methods here are probably a bit overkill, but if you have gone down this article from the kubelet, and have now reached here, it might be worth it!

Each shim has responsibility for a single pod. If you run the ps aux --forest command above, you should see:

The forest flag shows the relationship between parent and child processes

The example above is a bit more complicated, we are running the pause container, plus sh which has gone and run a bash script. This then has run aws-k8s-agent which is presumably being piped into tee. Finally, this is all being piped through logrecycler.

The shim also acts as a sub reaper, i.e. it will reap zombie processes. If the shim process goes away, the processes underneath are not stopped, instead they are orphaned to containerd.

If for whatever reason containerd-shim isn’t running the pause container, there may be an issue creating the pod sandbox. Do a sanity check of the node(s) in question and look at performance (a great article which inspired the format of this write up).

If you suspect something is wrong with containerd-shim, e.g. it is consuming lots of resources (they normally will be voluntarily sleeping) there are a number of things you can do. Namely, dumping the goroutines.

4. runc / container

# alias runk=runc --root /run/containerd/runc/ # alias for setting the root directory
# runk events # view container events
# runk state # view container state

This is where the rubber hits the road: the next steps for debugging depend on the type of problem you are trying to debug. Where to specifically debug at this level is very much dependent on the problem you are trying to debug. Next, I will provide some insight into how runc works and where you can look for further troubleshooting.

When a container is created as part of some Kubernetes process, the container is created under the namespace (this isn’t a Kubernetes namespace, rather it is a place where all of the container runtime pod state relating to Kubernetes is stored).

To run the various runc subcommands, you often need to provide a --root flag. This will be the state directory which is at /run/containerd/runc/

When runc starts a container, it is actually a number of different actions:

  • runc create creates a container and starts a bare runc init process in it. This runc init then waits for the exec FIFO file to be opened on the other side, as a mechanism of synchronization. Once opened, it writes a 0 byte to it, and proceeds to execute the container’s entry-point.
  • runc start actually starts that container (by opening the exec FIFO file and reading the data from it), signalling runc init that it should proceed.

Source: Kir Kolyshkin @

If there were a problem and for example, containerd was in a deadlock like we have seen before:

  • the runc init processes would be eternally waiting for runc start
  • the runc init processes would keep creating every few minutes
  • pods won’t be able to run
  • pods won’t be able to terminate


A big thank you to Fu Wei and the containerd team who helped us debug and ultimately fix the deadlock issue we experienced in our staging environment


Core dumps can be created by running gdb, attaching to the process and running generate-core-dump. I suggest gzipping the coredumps before transferring these (they are quite verbose, but a good candidate for compression).

These core dumps can be used with delve, but as mentioned above, the binaries must have debug symbols!

Note that attaching a debugger to any running process may slow it down significantly. This is because debuggers like delve or gdb insert hooks into various parts of the process and imported libraries. These hooks are extra code paths that incur a non-trivial increase to execution time. A process that may be already suffering performance issues for example will hindered more so.

Be careful about running these in production.

Links and further reading

